Skateboarding in Colorado


    Well three months ago I (fred) got a wild hair up my @$$ and decided to go talk to my buddy Ricky D. “Yo, how much money can you come up with??” I asked him. “I don’t know I will have to talk to my G-ma and Mom.” He replied. A week later we were sitting around a table smoking cigarettes and talking of how we are going to do this shop. 

And the Dream was born….. Then we start working are butts off trying to find a building….. building after building we call and start trying to wheel and deal a lease into order.

finally we find a building, but needs ridiculous amounts of work so we begin…. Ripping down walls and destroying the inside of this building to make it into the space we need to make a great shop!!

It definitely was a blast! Punching holes in the wall… watching Tracy try to run through a wall… and just going crazy on some of that shit…. LOL!!! BUT, the cleanup and construction was a pain in the hands, back, hip and ass. BUT definitely was well worth it and semi-fun too!!!

Next was construction…. I know something about… RICKY, on the other hand… well nevermind, he doesn’t know shit!!! Well except for big kickflips!! LOL….. But anyway so we started finishing the walls, scraping the floor, clean, clean, and clean… Then we had to get some electrical work done. Luckily, I have a great friend, by the name of Von Ripper, who not only loaned us all the tools and knowledge to get the final product, but introduced us to his dad. His dad was an electrical genius and even gave us a great deal!! THANKS BIG WILL!!!

 Next we started doing the texture and finish work to get the building ready for some paint. The texture was an absolute pain in the ass!! Mainly because Fred decided, “Let’s flat finish the bottom and have an orange peel texture up top…” That was a dumb idea… oh whoops that was me… oh well it was dumb, but now that it is done, it’s a great idea. It looks pretty good… have had a lot of feedback.

That is the end of it!!….. NOT… now to rip all tape and paper and plastic down and finish the wall with some colors. Now on the colors… not my fault (Fred). I asked everyone for some input. All I wanted was olive-green…. it ended up being “baby diariah green” LOL, but still I think looks good. They grey is way cool because of the way we set up the colored lights. Did I know it would do that… OF COURSE, if you’re really asking me. (but I really didn’t till it was done) The white just goes good… and the red? Red came from a collaboration of Mrod telling me to have an accent wall orange and Riv Von Ripper saying I should put red somewhere. Originally, I wanted the door red but it ended up being wood and the orange wasn’t my steez…. so we put red!! So that was the decision!!

Finally we can slap some paint on the walls! This is the hallway that we built to have the doors to the office, store-room, and bathroom located. That is the base gray we used!! Eventually we painted the entire bathroom red!!  This is the final color scheme!! I like it, some others like it… some hate it… LET ME KNOW!!


After it’s all said and done we have worked our BUTTS off, but I think it’s definitely worth it… We are definitely a CORE shop.. being skater owned and operated!!

So COME ON IN… CHECK US OUT…. WE WON’T BITE!!  and we will order anything that you want even if we don’t carry it!!  We want to help grow the scene and make Pueblo known for being a great skateboarding community of Colorado!!! Shit…. Maybe even get someone sponsored out of here… so grab your stunt sticks and get stunty!@!

Thank you for your time!! Skatin Por Vida!!



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